a young mind...curious, passionate; endlessly and deeply in thought.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


It was yet another Saturday which was bright and sunny.

The impatient parents were happy at last, so was the hospital staff. A little girl was born into a family as the youngest. She was pretty, cute and chubby, that's what they have said. Everyone said that combination is very lucky, so she was named, with that in mind.

Many years passed and the girl grew up. Among the love and attention of all. A heart got hurt, when ever they meet someone outside... totally outside to the family. They said the eldest is tall and very pretty. The middle child is brainy and outstanding. But the youngest.......... they lack words. sigh.....

So the young heart decided finally.
Ok i can't help it. This is I am.

She is not worried on what others say, cos to her what only matters is what her family thinks. 'cos she was their child. Not anybody else's. So why bother about their comments......

Y do they always compare???


starry eyes ;) said...

dont worry lak...as far as i know you are waaay unique than you think you are...hehe...

thriving to be a designer said...

I know that dear, thanx!!! But it's people around who make it a big fuss.

Sachi said...

who cares what other people think as long as you know? and people who matter know. Everyone else cna go fly a kite.