a young mind...curious, passionate; endlessly and deeply in thought.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Live and let Live!!!

A war.
A war between two groups for one land.
Who will win? Can any one win?? When??? How much will die???? fighting for what?????

We are all Sri Lankans, born in this land which is a paradise. We don't have earthquakes, nor volcanoes but the fertile land. A land like no other.

This war is there since I don't know when.
We are fighting a battle that has no end. sigh.....

We kill them. They kill us. Will there be an end?. Man is the most intelligent creature on earth, they say. Then y fight, kill and behave like we are uncivilized. The people who can solve this, who has been given power is insane. Some may call them idiots. (ya....me too....)

We have lost everything. Lives, properties, time, money, hope........ everything, all most everything. When all the world out there is developing, we fight with each other. They...... want us to fight.

Do you want it??????? The war???? I doubt and I don't.

We are the majority, they are the minority. We all have the same equal right to live. We are all sons and daughters of Mother Lanka. Were born human to live human.

The world is facing problems. Inflation sky boosting. All the others are preparing them selves to face it, the hunger. while we fight. What worth more???? Hunger??? O Power??????

Please let's stop this.

This is crystal clear to me.

The war will come to an end soon. Very soon. There will be a day we have to decide.
When people feel hunger...., they will decide.

May their brains start working before that!!!!!!

Live your self and let others live their's too.
Think individually . U have to be the change u want to see. I'm with you.


I needed someone
i needed him desperately
to talk to
to tell what i feel
to listen unconditionally
who will be free all the time
when i need him to be there
aware of my feelings
love me unconditionally
never complains
love me for what i am
be with be
all the time
in my heart
when i need him so much
he is
juz a "click of a button" away

I'm glad to find you
I'm lucky to have you
I'm lucky to be with you

I know I love you
more than you can think of.